William Blake

Christ on the Pinnacle of the Temple by William Blake. Image via william-blake.org
William Blake, a master English poet, painter, and printmaker was largely unrecognized during his life. The Artist is now rightly considered a major artistic influencer and figure of the Romantic Age.
Blake claimed his first vision at the early age of 10 — a tree full of angels. As a young Artist Blake was apprenticed with an engraver and tasked with drawing the tombs at Westminster Abbey, an experience that aligned with his later metaphysical worldview.
Blake lived his life and created his Art at very the edge of the spiritual world. The Artist founded a successful print shop, created a new form of color printing, and built a new religion for himself out of anti-enlightenment thinking, Swedenborgian Christianity, and Norse mythologies. Vastly original and prolific Blake's work still inspires today.
View our collection of William Black art prints on Dark Art & Craft.