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Dark Vessel: An Interview with Galen Baudhuin

Posted by J Meyers on

Dark Art & Craft had the pleasure of asking talented Musician, producer and Artist Galen Baudhuin some questions on his recent Art output and music projects. Below you'll find the conversation with Galen and a few select Art prints we created just for the interview. Please enjoy.

Tell us a little more about yourself & what you do?

My Art is primarily magick and occult based and is usually monochromatic. I’m a musician and a songwriter. I also do music production and engineering work. I was a screenprinter for many years, and still love doing it when I get the opportunity. I’m hugely inspired by nature. I try to get out an explore the world as much as I can.

The evolution of an Artist is always one our readers like to know about. Can you describe a little bit about how you evolved into the creator that you are today?

When I was younger I was a bit more all over the place with my Art. I did a lot more realism, portraits and such. I considered attending art school, but realized that it wouldn’t be an option monetarily. So I went to recording school instead. As I became more involved with music, my visual art practice started to become secondary. Over the years I’ve embraced a more loose/ritual based approach, which involves making sure I’m in the right headspace and physical space to be able to bring something out.

What tools do you use to create Art?

All of my recent art (last 10 years) has been primarily black and white, using a mix of graphite, chalk, acrylics and oils. I usually start out with random gray washes on some type of board and then start picking images out. In some cases, I’ll use photos as reference, other times I’ll just go with whatever presents itself through my subconscious.

dark art self portrait black metal

You are quite active producing and creating music, could you tell us more about your current project(s) and bands?

My primary band is Infera Bruo. We’re a blackend metal band. Our music is about finding the dark place within ourselves and sitting with it. Getting to know it, and hopefully growing. I write music, play guitar and vocalize in that group. I’m also involved with the Cascadian black metal band Wolves In The Throne Room.

What relation does your music have with your Art?

These days the two go hand in hand. They come from the same place creatively, and with the last two Infera Bruo albums, relate directly to what’s written in the music. I painted both album covers in conjunction with the music and it all became one work (art, music, lyrics). Something very different from the usual process of finding something that fits the album after it’s completed. I find it to be a good way of doing things and unifies the project as a whole.

Galen Baudhuin dark artist black metal art

How does the occult, Magick, Dark Art or the macabre relate to your work?

Well I certainly have a lot of interest in the occult and Magick. A lot of the themes I explore lyrically in songs are the same in a painting. It’s honestly much easier for me to put those feelings into a piece of art than it is to write words about it. Magick is creation, and for me a big part of that practice is in visual art.

What does Dark Art mean to you?

To me Dark Art represents the creation of something from a certain place inside. Something potential ugly, without a protective layer. And hopefully something honest too.

Rites of the Nameless

Rites of the Nameless

What past Artists of any medium have inspired your current output?

I’m a huge fan of Frazetta. His shapes and colors are always hugely inspiring. Blake [William Blake 1757 - 1827] is always someone I look to and recently Austin Osman Spare, as he has a real way of putting Magick into art.

1916 by Austin Osman Spare

Austin Osman Spare illustration from 1916, Image via reddit.com

We always ask people for three contemporary Artists you want everyone to check out right now. What are your recommendations to our audience?

I’m sure your readers are familiar with some of these. Denis Forkas (speaking of Spare) is probably my favorite contemporary artist at the moment. Glyn Smyth who I’ve been a fan of for a long time, and my friend Eric Benton (Gutrot).

dark artist print

Silence Enfleshed courtesy the Artist

 dark art vessel print


Where can we find you online?

I don’t have an artist account at the moment, but I share art on both my personal instagram @gbaudhuin and also the @inferabruo account.

Thank you Galen!

J Meyers

@ Dark Art & Craft, print collector and Graphic Artist from Ohio, US.



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